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Conservation Commission Minutes 2009/06/03
Sunapee Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes June 3, 2009
Present: Tim Fleury, Van Webb, Robert Hill, Van Webb
Absent: Roger Whitaker, Rem Mastin

Tim Fleury made the motion to accept the minutes of meeting April 1, 2009. Robert Hill Seconded. All in favor 4, Opposed 0.

Tim Fleury made the motion to accept the minutes of meeting May 6, 2009. One correction the name spelling of Beth McGuinn will be corrected. Robert Hill seconded the motion. All in favor 4, opposed 0.

Scogland, 11 Hamel Road, Sunapee, NH – a rebuttal to an alleged violation being answered by the land owner.

Notification of an Annual Meeting UVLSRC Regional Committee on Wednesday, June 10, 2009. No SCC members will be attending.

Planning Board 6/4/09 7pm, SCC members will attend to see and hear the Master Plan Natural Resources work in progress update.

DES Application for Robert Krieger, 10 Ridgewood Rd, Sunapee, minimum impact, dock application to remove rotted desk system and crib timbers no change in size. SCC action required: Rem Signed 5/19/09 on behalf of the SCC.
Copy of a DES notification of incompleteness on the Krieger application 5/21/09 SCC no action required.
Copy of a DES notification of completeness received on the Krieger application 5/28/09 SCC no action required.

Copy of a DES Request for more information and clarification on an itemized list of 11 points. regarding Standard Dredge and Fill for Cooper Street Partners, Robert Caia, application File #2009-00475, Tax Map/ Lot 211/14. SCC no action required.

Copy of a DES notification receipt of Shore land Application received from Margaret Chalmers of 128 Garnet St, Sunapee. #2009-00800. Tax Map/ Lot 125/34

Copy of a Notice for DES approval for Indian Cave Association, Garnet Street, Sunapee
#2009-00350. Tax Map/Lot 133/31 SCC no action required

Notification of application receipt for DES application for Michael Jesanis, 8 Old Norcross Dr. Shore land #2009-00771. Tax map /Lot 126/24 SCC no action required

Copy of a DES administrative incompleteness for Kenneth and Cheryl Starkey, 95 Lake Ave, Sunapee, Tax Map/Lot 128/62, Wetlands #2009-00850. SCC no action required

Lela will see Lynn for statements on Accounts.

SCC members want to meet with Select Board regarding an easement on the Gore Lot. Hold public meetings for information. Review options and create a future plan for the parcel as well as use the opportunity to show the process and educate the public.
Create the opportunity to incorporate many town groups on the project for a large common goal and accomplishment. Set up meeting with the Select Board; get an estimate of the cost for the project and easement. Review Dashner property line. Contact the proper professionals for bids on proposed required work needed to prepare an easement.

No new information/update regarding the Harry Tilton Lot playground or the Recreation Committee’s plan.
Meeting Adjourned